Site icon Fred, AB1OC for New England Division Director

Helping Amateur Radio Grow

Hello, I am Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC. As many of you know, I have been dedicating much of my time and energy to helping folks to get into Amateur Radio, to learn new skills through our hobby, and to experience the joy and sense of accomplishment that Amateur Radio brings.

Teaching a Technician License Class

I have been able to accomplish many things to help hams and grow Amateur Radio as part of the Nashua Area Radio Society in the past 6 years. We have licensed or upgraded over 350 hams. We’ve provided training and help for hams to get on the air, build stations, and learn new skills. We’ve developed some world-class Amateur Radio training programs through our Tech Nights, Ham Bootcamp,, and more.

Bishop-Guertin High School High-Altitude Balloon project students

We’ve done some great work in local schools to introduce young people to Amateur Radio and to provide STEM learning experiences and licensing opportunities in schools as well.

Helping Hudson Memorial School students to talk to an astronaut on the ISS

We’ve also supported the ARISS space station contact programs in two schools in our area and this has led me to serve as an ARISS Mentor and Ground Station; helping schools around the world to enjoy the thrill of making contact with an astronaut on the International Space Station.

Amateur Radio changes people’s lives for the better. I know this because it has changed mine in significant ways. It led me to become an Electrical Engineer and helped me to develop many skills that have enriched my life and allowed me to enrich the experiences of others.

Where To Next?

Several friends and supporters have approached me about running for the position of New England Director in the ARRL. Directors serve on the Board of Directors of the ARRL for a three-year term and are elected by the members of the ARRL in the Director’s Division. In our case, this encompasses the sections of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Eastern Massachusetts, Western Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.

Folks are encouraging me to take on this responsibility for several reasons with a chief one being the expectation that we can create, through this role, an environment among the clubs and the ARRL Membership here in New England that will encourage new people to join the Amateur Radio Service and encourage all hams to grow their skills. The work that we have already done, we believe, can be leveraged through the New England Director’s position to benefit clubs and individual hams across New England and throughout the ARRL.

After much consultation with friends, Nashua Area Radio Society Members, my wife Anita AB1QB, and others who have played major roles in the ARRL, I have decided to take on this challenge by running this fall.

What Will We Do?

I believe that it’s important to work with clubs and individual hams here in New England and across the ARRL to grow the Amateur Radio Service. This means bringing new people into Amateur Radio, helping existing hams get on the air and develop new skills.

I am seeking the office of New England Division Director so that I may work to create an environment in our region and across the ARRL that will help everyone to fully develop our skills to bring a rich Amateur Radio experience to new folks and experienced hams alike. I believe that Amateur Radio clubs and interest groups have always been the foundation of mentoring and skills development in our hobby and I plan to focus on working with clubs across our region to accomplish these goals.

We cannot grow Amateur Radio without embracing and supporting a broad range of Amateur Radio Activities including DXing, Contesting, EmCom, VHF and higher band weak-signal work, and plain old rag chewing via phone, CW, and digital modes. The breadth of activities that Amateur Radio affords is one of its greatest strengths and I will work to support and help to expand interest in all aspects of the hobby.

Regular, two-way open, and honest communication between the ARRL leadership and ARRL members is an essential part of success in meeting these goals. I am committed to creating a process and forums for regular, active 2-way dialog and sharing of activities that are successful in growing Amateur Radio and expanding opportunities for all hams in New England to grow their skills and have fun through Amateur Radio.

I hope that you will consider supporting us in this effort. I very much look forward to the opportunity to serve hams in New England and across the ARRL.

All the Best and 73,

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC

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