Site icon Fred, AB1OC for New England Division Director

An Important Choice – Please Cast Your Vote for ARRL New England Division Director

Growing Amateur Radio and the ARRL  - AB1OC at HamXposition Candidate Forum 2021

I believe that Amateur Radio and the ARRL are at a crossroads. Issues such as the need to bring new people of all ages into Amateur Radio and get them active have become urgent.

Fred, AB1OC Helping a School Make Contact with an Astronaut on the ISS via Amateur Radio

We also need to do a much better job at building public awareness and support for Amateur Radio as a means to protect our rights as hams and our spectrum. One important way that we can do this is through work to support Amateur Radio-based STEM education in schools.

It is simply not enough to acknowledge the problems we face and suggest ideas on how we might address them. We need a Director that has a demonstrated track record of solving problems and getting results.

We need a director who can take on a broad range of issues. Doing this requires a team approach and a Director who can collaborate with ARRL members across our Division to get things done. To this end, I have assembled a team of leaders across the New England Division who are actively helping me to develop well-thought-out positions on important issues facing the ARRL and Amateurs across New England.

I believe that a dual approach that includes working both within the ARRL to solve problems and with clubs and ARRL members in the New England Division to create effective Amateur Radio programs is the best way to address the issues that the ARRL and Amateur Radio are facing. My plans to implement this approach include a combination of improved communications with New England ARRL Members, outreach to ARRL Directors and Leaders, and the appointment of Assistant Directors within my first 100 days as your Director.

If you have any questions or thoughts on what your next Director needs to focus on, I can be reached at

Ballots for ARRL New England Division Director have been mailed to ARRL New England members and you should have received your ballot by now. Ballots are due back to ARRL HQ by November 19th. Please take the time to return your ballot so your vote counts in this important election. The last Director election was decided by only a few votes so your vote is very important.

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC

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