News and Articles

Thank You To All Of Our Supporters

I very much appreciate everyone’s support during the past three years and this election cycle. I want to particularly thank those who have and continue to serve in volunteer roles here in New England. We all appreciate your service. It’s been a pleasure working with everyone and I look forward to continuing to do so…

Working To Build A Stronger ARRL

Hello. My name is Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, and I have been serving as your ARRL New England Division Director for the past 3 years. I have a long history of helping people to become licensed, learn new skills, and become active in the Amateur Radio Service. Like most Hams, I love Ham Radio and all…

Accomplishments and Our Plans for a Second Term

Accomplishments During Our First Term I have worked hard to make a difference for Clubs, Membership, New Hams, and more. The following are some of our accomplishments during the last 2 1/2 years as ARRL New England Division Director. My work has included – Leading the review committee that designed the Club Grant Program (available…

Why Am I Running for ARRL New England Division Director?

Folks have been asking me why I want to serve as ARRL New England Division Director. For me, this is about giving back and helping people to enrich their lives through Amateur Radio and all that it can offer. You can watch the video above to learn more. Fred, AB1OC

Programs Helping Hams and Young People to Develop Skills and Get on The Air

I have had the pleasure to work and collaborate with my club and others to create programs to get new people and young people started in Amateur Radio. I’ve been sharing information about these programs with clubs across New England and around the US to provide ideas and inspiration for Amateur Radio clubs to add…

Importance of Amateur Radio in Schools

It is vitally important that we make efforts to bring Amateur Radio to young people in schools and other venues. When we spend time bringing Amateur Radio to young people, we accomplish two important things. First, we have the potential to change a young person’s life for the better by involving them in Amateur Radio,…

Creating a Strong Future for Amateur Radio as ARRL New England Division Director

Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC Hello. I am Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, and I have been serving as your ARRL New England Division Director. I have a long history of helping people to become licensed, learn new skills, and become active in the Amateur Radio Service. I have also served in several roles in support of the Nashua…

YOTA 2021 ISS Contact

I had the pleasure of serving as the ARISS contact moderator for the Youth On The Air (YOTA) 2021 Camp’s contact with the International Space Station (ISS) using Amateur Radio today. Young Hams spent the week at the Voice of America Bethany Relay Station in West Chester, OH engaging in a variety of Amateur Radio…

Growing Amateur Radio through Mentoring

Amateur Radio clubs and individual hams have always played an important role as Mentors for new and less experienced hams. There is probably no better time in our history to redouble our efforts in this area than now. I wanted to share a few thoughts and successful programs that I’ve been involved in to bring…


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