Site icon Fred, AB1OC for New England Division Director

Thank You For Your Support!

I received some great news from ARRL HQ this afternoon. Thanks to the great support from so many people, I will have the privilege of serving as your ARRL New England Division Director for the next 3 years.

It has been an amazing opportunity to campaign for and prepare to take on this challenge. I have met so many great folks, clubs, and other groups during the past 6 months since the process of running to become your director began. The people in our Division give me great confidence that Amateur Radio has a great future ahead for all of us.

Thanks to the support of a great team and all of you, I have learned a great deal about what is important to ARRL members here in New England and I am anxious to get to work.

This would not have been possible without all of the support that so many of you provided for my campaign and the work that we are hoping to do.

I’d like to add a special THANK YOU to the team of folks who helped me to campaign for Director. Without all of the folks on our team, I would not be in a position to serve as Director. I look forward to continuing to work with and expand our team so that we may work on behalf of New England and all ARRL members to strengthen and grow Amateur Radio. This will involve tackling a broad range of issues and it will take a diverse team of dedicated Amateur Radio people to be successful. I am very happy to have a strong core team to begin this part of our work.

I also want to thank my XYL Anita, AB1QB for the tireless effort and support that she put into my campaign and all the things that we do together to make Amateur Radio stronger.

To all of you who helped make this possible, I want to say a very big THANK YOU for giving me the chance to serve you. I hope that ARRL New England Division members will continue with the excellent feedback and support as we get to work.

Fred, AB1OC
ARRL New England Division Director-Elect

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